Get some H.E.L.P this holiday season!

We miss our loved ones 24 hours a day, 365 days year. However, grief feels so much heavier during the holidays.

          Everyone else is stressed out with holiday plans: what to make for dinner, what to wear to the office party, and whether there will there be enough money for gifts, etc.

Meanwhile, grievers wonder how we’ll face an empty chair at the dinner table; we feel guilty for wanting to hide at home in our jammies; we’re devastated that we have one less person to buy gifts for.

         Not to mention, our grief and the memory of our loved one gets lost amidst all the tinsel and mad gaiety of the season.

         Four years into my grief journey, hardly anyone I know mentions my father or my grief or how difficult the holidays may still be. And these days, snail-mailed holiday cards, let alone a handwritten note, seems to have gone the way of the dinosaur.

         But not quite all of us have forgotten the joys of pen and ink and stamps and love and remembrance tucked among the bills, political flyers, and Black Friday ads.

         This year, to help ease the holiday pain even if for just a moment, I’m launching a program for grievers. Sign up to receive a holiday card with a handwritten note of encouragement. I’m sure there are others in your support circle who remember; think of this as one more friend who remembers and understands what you’re going through this holiday season. 

         Grief does not need to be packed away during the holidays; it is normal to feel sad and happy at the same time during this season of the year.

         Here, at The Grief Curator, we hold space for both.

P.S. Since it’s the first year for the program, there is no charge for signing up. And we never spam our grieving community. Who needs that?!